One of my goals for the Educational Technology program is to learn how to develop a humanistic element to technology when the virtual environment can sometimes feel cold and impersonal. In keeping with this line of thinking, I have elected to investigate sociable media.

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Social Software

Circles, a social sharing platform by Lycos, creates groups of contacts, photo sharing, discussion boards, group invitations and the ability to conduct polls (near & dear to cadre x's heart.) What's nice about this website is that it provides an overview of what's available, most social software sites require a sign in.

Trillian Pro 2.01, is a communication tool where IM uses text, graphics and streaming video. It provides video and audio chat and has a "time travel" feature where you can pause, rewind, fast-forward and record live video and audio sessions. This website provides an overview of its features.


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